Flawed and Unbroken

Mella Wines

Just a woman trying to create a community of women to vibe with.



“You were someone before you were their mom, and that person matters.” Mom, Mama, Mother… What is the first thing that entered your mind when you read that? For me, I think of unconditional love, patience, understanding, safety, security, and selflessness. Most mothers are the driving force in their household. She carries everything from her…

Books Of The Month – March 2020

Reading has become such an escape for me in the chaos of motherhood/adulthood. It has allowed me to be in different worlds when I have had tough days. It has brought me inspiration and motivation when I was feeling lost. It has rejuvenated and re-energized me when I felt drained. I always recommend people to…

Family – Broken vs Whole

Before I get into it, I want to say I come from a great family, and I know that. There was never any feeling of something missing or lack of love growing up. However, as an adult, I realize just how broken it truly was and how that brokenness has trickled into how we are…